Useful articles related to vehicle roadworthiness tests in Tallinn

Here we’ve put together some useful tips on how to get a roadworthiness test, what to do to pass and how to prepare.


Road safety and roadworthiness tests – why it’s important to keep your car in good technical condition

Road safety and roadworthiness tests - why it's important to keep your car in good technical condition.

Road safety and roadworthiness tests are closely linked, as the majority of vehicles on the road are subject to annual roadworthiness tests. We often give little thought to the safety of our cars on a day-to-day basis, but the fact is that every time we get behind the wheel, our safety and that of our fellow road users depends to a large extent on the technical condition of our vehicle.


liiklusturvalisus ja tehnoulevaatus

The ABC of vehicle roadworthiness testing

A roadworthiness test is a compulsory test for all drivers and must be carried out regularly. However, there may be a number of questions about the roadworthiness test that you would like to have answered before the test.A roadworthiness test is a compulsory test...


Tehnoülevaatuse ABC

How to prepare your car for a roadworthiness test

The purpose of the roadworthiness test is to ensure that your vehicle is safe on the road and as environmentally friendly as possible. Although you must have your vehicle checked regularly at authorised service stations, depending on its age, you can also prepare...


Kuidas oma auto tehnoülevaatuseks ette valmistada

Car inspection in Tallinn

Car inspection is the process of checking the technical condition of vehicles to ensure that they are safe and environmentally friendly to drive. During the car inspection, we check that the vehicle is properly maintained and in working order.Car inspection is the...


Auto ulevaatus Tallinnas


Helgi tee 4

Mo-Fri 9:00-20:00
Sat 09:00-17:00
Tel: 605 0078


Mustamäe and Õismäe

Ehitajate tee 116

Mo-Fri 9:00-21:00
Sat 09:00-17:00
Tel: 609 9235

Rocca al Mare

Shopping centre parking lot

Mo-Sun 10:00-20.00
Open on Sundays
Tel: 609 9235

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Measurements for technical inspection of vehicles. Estonian Accreditation Centre No. E113