Road safety and roadworthiness tests

Road safety and roadworthiness tests are closely linked, as the majority of vehicles on the road are subject to annual roadworthiness tests.


Road safety and roadworthiness tests - why it's important to keep your car in good technical condition

Road safety and roadworthiness tests are closely linked, as the majority of vehicles on the road are subject to annual roadworthiness tests.

We often give little thought to the safety of our cars on a day-to-day basis, but the fact is that every time we get behind the wheel, our safety and that of our fellow road users depends to a large extent on the technical condition of our vehicle.

How much do we know about the condition of our car and how often do we check it? Many car owners only find out the true condition of their car when they come in for a roadworthiness test. And then it can turn out that their trusty companion on the road is in fact a dangerous vehicle that puts them and other road users at risk.

Unfortunately, some service stations are more flexible in passing cars in order to make more money, but this also increases the real danger on the road. Profdiagnostic, on the other hand, is committed to a thorough and high quality inspection of vehicles to ensure that every car is in good technical condition and road safety.

The most common reasons why cars fail a roadworthiness test are

Road safety depends not only on the driver’s skill and attention, but also on the technical condition of the vehicle. It is impossible to drive a car safely if the brakes do not work properly, the tyres are worn or the lights do not work, regardless of the driver’s skills. Road safety and roadworthiness tests are closely linked, as the majority of vehicles on the road are subject to annual roadworthiness tests.

Roadworthiness tests often reveal faults that are present in a wide range of vehicles, regardless of their make, age or mileage. The most common causes of breakdowns at roadworthiness tests are:

Braking system
One of the most common reasons for cars failing a roadworthiness test is brake system problems. Brakes are one of the most important safety features on a car and their failure can lead to serious accidents.

Old or damaged tyres can be life-threatening, especially on wet or slippery roads. Tyres with the correct tread depth are essential to ensure that your car grips the road properly and that the braking distance is as short as possible in unexpected situations.

Lights are important for vision on the one hand, but also for visibility on the other. Defective or incorrectly adjusted lights can cause accidents.

Suspension and steering
These components have a direct impact on the drivability of the car. If the suspension or steering system is not in good condition, the car can behave erratically, especially in critical situations.

Any of these problems can be life-threatening if not detected and repaired in time. That’s why it’s so important to bring your car in for a regular MOT. Professional Diagnostics is committed to making sure that every car that visits our workshop is safe and meets all the requirements.

Keeping your vehicle in good condition ensures road safety

Keeping your car in good technical condition is one of the best ways to protect yourself and other road users, hence the link between road safety and roadworthiness testing. Roadworthiness tests help to prevent accidents that may be caused by car breakdowns or manoeuvres caused by poor handling or inadequate braking.

A professional diagnostician makes sure that every car that passes through our inspection point is safe and meets all the requirements. We do not compromise on the safety of our customers and fellow road users. Our aim is to ensure that every car we inspect is safe and does not endanger other road users.
Keeping a vehicle in good condition isn’t just about convenience or saving money – it’s our responsibility to ourselves and to other road users. That’s why it’s important to choose a service station that takes vehicle inspections just as seriously. We all want safe roads and Profdiagnostic is proud to be able to contribute to that goal.


Helgi tee 4

Mo-Fri 9:00-20:00
Sat 09:00-17:00
Tel: 605 0078


Mustamäe and Õismäe

Ehitajate tee 116

Mo-Fri 9:00-21:00
Sat 09:00-17:00
Tel: 609 9235

Rocca al Mare

Shopping centre parking lot

Mo-Sun 10:00-20.00
Open on Sundays
Tel: 609 9235

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Measurements for technical inspection of vehicles. Estonian Accreditation Centre No. E113